The first visit in a long-distance relationship has a magical character. You will be able to find your partner, touch him (yes yes, it’s hard to believe but he is palpable), talk to him face to face, and not see only his face unlike a Skype call: a real being of flesh and blood! But this first meeting with the loved one that we only knew until then from a distance is scary… wrongly! So let’s demystify this feared step

Guide to the first visit of a long distance relationship

The anxiety of the first meeting: normal in a long-distance relationship!

The first meeting of your long-distance relationship is also a time of doubts and fears : will our half please us as we please by message and by telephone? Will we please him too? Will you get along just as well face to face with your lover as from a distance? So many questions whose answer is given even as the person gets off the train or the plane and joins you on the platform. At that point, believe me, you will no longer be afraid of this first meeting, and all the efforts you have made to see each other (  convincing your parents if you are a teenager , saving for the trip, etc.) will have been well worth it. sadness !



First encounter and general confusion

You may be confused at first and not know what to say or what to do. it is important to give yourself time to discover yourself. After all, a first meeting is not determined by the first few minutes , and even if you already know each other well, you will learn a lot from the person in the first moments, and those that follow.

Don’t expect too much from the person you’re going to find. Don’t forget that she too will be very stressed, and may have a hard time finding her tracks at the beginning of your conversation! so it’s important to try to put her at ease, especially if you know she’s shy

The first visit, a key step in long-distance love

Either way, it will be a moment you will remember for the rest of your life . The first meeting in a long-distance relationship and a moment to cherish and treasure in your memory. Don’t forget to take a picture of these precious moments! Who knows, maybe that first photo will be on the front page of your shared photo album in your future life. And then, you surely have curious friends who will be delighted to know who your mysterious boyfriend/girlfriend is…


Make a good first impression during the meeting

You obviously want to make the best possible impression when you first meet in a long-distance relationship. A word of advice: be natural! Do not dress in your 31 if you are scruffy the rest of the time. Of course, a little styling effort doesn’t hurt , but you don’t have to dress up either. Don’t overuse make-up or artifice. Stay as natural in your way of being :   do not try to be someone you are not , and keep the same character as in normal times. After all, it’s the character your partner has come to love!

Virtual love, real feelings

So do n’t put too much pressure on yourself for this first meeting . You don’t need to do an exceptional activity: seeing yourself in real life will already be exceptional enough like that, whatever you do! Rather than a parachute jump, do quiet activities. Go for a walk in town , or go home to share a hearty breakfast after the trip. And your love, “virtual” at first, will soon resurface.

And you, were you afraid to meet your partner for the first time? How did your meeting go?

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